
We docked in Bar Harbor, Maine Sunday morning. After breakfast and either a hair appointment or a workout (you can decided who did what), we wandered around Bar Harbor for while. It is a pleasant town which must rely on fishing and tourism for its livelihood. In the afternoon, we watched the final 30 minutes of the US-Brazil football (or soccer as we call it) game. What a great game!

As we sailed for Halifax, the ship was running full speed and the ship began to rock a bit. The show that night feature GK signing with the HGQ and with Andrea Suchy, an episode of Guy Noir, a commercial for Be Bop a Re Bop Rhubarb Pie, a dialog with Roy Blount Jr. (who is VERY funny), and the Shoe Band. It was quite good. Unfortunately, Caroline was feeling the motion a bit and was concentrating more on a stationary music stand that on the show. She missed dinner because food did not sound all that good. After some rest, she felt better.

© Charles Eklund 2012