Day 4 on the boat

Today (Tuesday), the locks people are on strike so we have to stay away from any locks.  We took a long hike up a large hill this morning to see the Oppidum d'Ensérune, Roman ruins.

Jon and Jeanne are starting the final climb to the top of t

The hill was occupied from 600 BC to 100 AD. There were ruins from houses, grain silos, cisterns, and other structures. The museum at the top had many artifacts (pots, lamps, ossuaries, jewelry, coffin decorations, etc. It was quite interesting, and the view from the top was spectacular.

We believe the pictures below were WWII bunkers.

We had lunch on board and motored back up stream. Although you wouldn't know it was upstream since the is not discernible current and ended the day where we picked up the boat, in le Somail. We needed a few groceries and so we stopped at a

tiny grocery store on an old barge. The owner either lives on the barge, or has a place to hang out when there are no customers. We got some milk, cookies, olives, and chips. Plus we order fresh bread for the morning.

We had called ahead and secured reservations at a nice restaurant and had wonderful meal. We were outside, but under an awning. We were treated to rumbles of thunder which turned into sprinkles which turned into a hard rain. Just about the time we were thinking about escaping to the inside, the rain eased off and then quit.

All in all a wonderful day.

© Charles Eklund 2012