Day 2

Wednesday, October 5.

In the morning the kids that had been faithful in attendance at TL were taken to a trampoline jumping center. Akosia, Rich, and Tina joined them in jumping. The had a great time.

Jump1 Jump2

One the way back to Umkomaas we stopped and ice cream cones were purchased for the kids. It was a huge treat for them. I finished my cone in a few minutes. Later I looked around an many of the kids were stilling savoring their cones.

Lunch was at Sean and Akosia’s cafe.

Then it was day 2 of SMART. Whenever we see the kids they greet us with hugs and handshakes and say goodbye with hugs and handshakes.  Day 2 went smoother than day 1. We had a better understanding of how to communicate and they were becoming comfortable with us. Rich and I had fun making balloon propelled straws on a string and the kids loved having races. We even did some impromptu experiments. 

Immediately after the camp we went with a dozen kids to S&A’s church for their Wednesday prayer service. Naas spoke and introduced the prayer time. It is always a blessing to worship in another country and understand the church of Christ is indeed world wide. 

Then it was off to a pizza place for supper. We got to see a thrilling finish to a cricket game. Yes, I know that thrilling cricket seems to be a bit of an oxymoron. South Africa, ranked about 5th in the world were playing Australia (ranked number 1). They staged an incredible comeback to win. For Broncos fans, it was a bit like the famous 95 yard drive led by John Elway that beat the Cleveland  Browns years ago. The crowd in the pizza place was cheering. Fun time.

 © Charles Eklund 2012